Reaching Sustainability in the Existing Built Environment, Part II

Thursday May 14, 2009

We are delighted that we are able to follow our April forum with "Deep Energy Retrofits, Part II" -- a building science "slam", with contributions from several members of the sustainable building community.

The forum will feature detailed presentations of a variety of super- insulation strategies, including full-scale mock-ups of building assemblies, slide presentations of real-world projects, group critiques of the various strategies, and plenty of opportunities for questions and discussion.

Our April presenter, Paul Eldrenkamp, Byygmeister, will emcee; tentative guests are Jonathan Kantar, Sage Builders; Simon Hare, Place Tailor; Gregory Caplan, Living Structures; Cador Pricejones, Byygmeister; and Carter Scott, Transformations.

Come see, listen to, and participate in an exchange of real world ideas on how we can reach true energy efficiency in our built environment.

Presenter: Paul Eldrenkamp of Byggmeister

Paul Eldrenkamp is well-known in the green-housing industry, serving as a board member at NESEA, and is a frequent speaker at conferences and other venues. Paul came to energy efficiencey housing after a wide range of carpentry jobs and a bachelor's degree in History and Literature of Medieval Europe, founding his construction firm, Byggmeister (Scandinavian for "master builder"), in 1983.

Presenter: Jonathan Kantar of Sage Builders

Presenter: Simon Hare of Place Tailor

Presenter: Gregory Caplan of Living Structures

Presenter: Cador Pricejones of Byggmeister

Presenter: Carter Scott of Transformations