Thursday May 14, 2009
We are delighted that we are able to follow our April forum with "Deep Energy Retrofits, Part II" -- a building science "slam", with contributions from several members of the sustainable building community.
The forum will feature detailed presentations of a variety of super- insulation strategies, including full-scale mock-ups of building assemblies, slide presentations of real-world projects, group critiques of the various strategies, and plenty of opportunities for questions and discussion.
Our April presenter, Paul Eldrenkamp, Byygmeister, will emcee; tentative guests are Jonathan Kantar, Sage Builders; Simon Hare, Place Tailor; Gregory Caplan, Living Structures; Cador Pricejones, Byygmeister; and Carter Scott, Transformations.
Come see, listen to, and participate in an exchange of real world ideas on how we can reach true energy efficiency in our built environment.