Green Design For New England

Thursday May 13, 2004

What is New England Green Design and how do we solve contemporary building problems in our bioregional context? In these interactive presentations, we will outline the unique requirements of the New England climate and culture and suggest how they impact residential and small project Design and Development.

How can Green or Sustainable Design inform and enhance new and renovated projects here in New England? We will share our experience with projects that integrate the essence of our local sites, climate, community and heritage with the reality of programmatic needs, budget, and vision of our clients.

Integrating our New England traditions with new tools of Green Design is a spiritual quest through which we seek purpose and express our passion in helping to balance our built world with our special heritage and natural environment, and ultimately where we find peace in our inner and outer landscapes.

1st Parish Unitarian Church

#3 Church St., Harvard Square, Cambridge

Doors open at 7:00 p.m.; presentation starts at 7:30 p.m.

Refreshments provided!

Presenter: Gerry Ives

Presenter: Franziska Amacher

Presenter: Henry Maclean